Standards to Judge My Candidacy


Date: Sept. 10, 2012

I believe that the founding Fathers were inspired by our Creator to write the Constitution. Their vision for freedom, prosperity, and independence must be re-established--I will represent the people of New Mexico by complying with the Constitution without compromise.

Our nation was founded by patriots who understood freedom to worship was a fundamental personal right, and the opportunity to speak our minds in the public arena was necessary for a vibrant Republic. I will vigorously support and defend our First Amendment rights.

The framers of the Constitution knew that if government was left unchecked, it would lead to the demise of our personal freedoms and tear down the Republic that was so carefully created. Washington, D.C. is now involved in all aspects of transportation, energy, food, farming, education, medicine, etc. Most of these areas are unconstitutional and unnecessary. I will introduce legislation to repeal or eliminate unconstitutional laws and regulations, and reduce or close down federal agencies--large and small. I will work to repeal all unconstitutional tax laws.

For too long, powerful political insiders have manipulated dealings on Capitol Hill. That's why I am running as an Independent candidate. As part of my crusade for transparency and accountability, I will immediately seek to audit the Federal Reserve to find out where our tax dollars have gone--this secret agency must stop manipulating the free market.

Our borders must be secured just as other countries have--we can accomplish this simply by enforcing current immigration laws. The invasion of illegal aliens endangers national security, the perilous economy, the environment, and more our nation cannot afford a porous border.

I have been issued a concealed carry permit in four states including New Mexico. I understand that the Second Amendment enshrines our right to self-defense and protection from tyranny. I will introduce legislation to repeal the archaic federal gun laws that presently exist.

On the pretext of security, legislation such as the "Patriot Act" and section 1021 of the NDAA have taken away our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights. These edicts must be repealed. Americans cannot give up their freedoms for the false notion of security. We have enacted laws that come from the mistaken idea that we are the world's policeman. America is currently engaged in wars contrary to our Constitution. It is time to withdraw and utilize our armed forces to defend our soil. As John Quincy Adams warned, "America does not need to go abroad in search of monsters to destroy."

In sum, my foreign policy and defense beliefs were best outlined by Barry Goldwater when he said the U.S. must have, "a foreign policy of enlightened self-interest supported by a defense system of superior weapons strong enough to deter the most reckless aggressor. Such a foreign policy will make it clear to all the nations of this world that we have no desire to expand our territory or to impose our type of government or our way of life on any other people."

In matters domestic, I look to Thomas Jefferson as my guide: "It is a wise rule and should be fundamental in a government disposed to cherish its credit, and at the same time to restrain the use of it within the limits of its faculties, never to borrow a dollar without laying a tax in the same instant for paying the interest annually, and the principal within a given term; and to consider that tax as pledged to the creditors on the public faith."
